
High Strength Cross Laminated HDPE Film – SDM-60F

High Strength Cross Laminated HDPE Film – SDM-60F

  • Colors: blue, black, gray, white, green, etc
  • Performance: High Strength Cross Laminated HDPE Film – SDM-60F is an anti-slip cross laminated film, and the anti-slip layer can be made into various patterns according to customer requirements. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of a cross laminated film, which is stable and does not deform; High strength and high elongation; Tear resistance; High and low temperature resistance; Has unique puncture resistance; Self healing and sustained tear resistance, as well as excellent water tightness of the nail rod; Has the ability to resist ultraviolet radiation.


Used as surface material for waterproofing membranes, tapes, underlayment, special packaging, label markets, etc.



08:00-17:00(Closed On Statutory Holidays)

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