
Upass adhesive tape technology application forum unveils new dimensions

Upass adhesive tape technology application forum unveils new dimensions

2024-06-14 09:37:36 6

From April 23rd to 26th, 2024, the China Adhesives and Adhesive Tape Industry Association convened the 7th Global Tape Forum, the Global Tape Testing Methods Conference, and the 2024 (5th) China Adhesive Tape Innovation Technology and Application Development Summit Forum in Shanghai. The theme of this conference is "Innovation, Coordination, and Sustainable Development," aimed at reshaping the industry's new pattern, exchanging new technologies, processes, and equipment, and promoting the overall quality improvement of the adhesive tape industry chain.



On April 25th-26th, the forum featured a product exhibition area where Upass's booth attracted numerous professionals from the adhesive tape industry who came to inquire about their products, fostering a lively atmosphere of exchange. As a solution provider for adhesive tape release materials, Upass offers a variety of substrates with different levels of release force, catering to various applications in the adhesive tape market. This comprehensive range of release films meets the demands for adhesive tape backing materials across the board.




As the global adhesive tape industry continues to expand, China's adhesive tape sector is presented with new opportunities for "import substitution" and high-quality development. Upass responds to the spirit of the conference by innovating and embracing change, advancing hand in hand with the industry's development. It contributes to the industry's technological innovation and technical progress, driving forward in step with the times.





08:00-17:00(Closed On Statutory Holidays)

禄劝| 合川市| 阳泉市| 桑日县| 乌什县| 简阳市| 梧州市| 南靖县| 祁门县| 临沂市| 建宁县| 肇州县| 湘西| 隆昌县| 平潭县| 睢宁县| 收藏| 景洪市| 河源市| 九台市| 新河县| 宁陵县| 天津市| 临邑县| 南京市| 吴堡县| 惠州市| 饶阳县| 枣庄市| 定边县| 和林格尔县| 铁力市| 成都市| 同心县| 常熟市| 菏泽市| 神农架林区| 屯留县| 衡东县| 深泽县| 寿阳县|