
Upass has been awarded the China Building Waterproofing Industry Chain Innovation Technology Award.

Upass has been awarded the China Building Waterproofing Industry Chain Innovation Technology Award.

2024-06-14 09:34:35 4

On September 26, 2023, the "Fourth Building Waterproofing Technology Innovation Conference," organized by the "China Building Waterproofing" magazine and supported academically by the China National Building Material Group Suzhou Waterproof Research Institute and the China Building Material Test & Certification Group Suzhou Co., Ltd., will be held in Nanjing.


The "New Release Film for Self-Adhesive Membranes" submitted by Upass stood out among over 60 excellent candidate technologies and won the "China Building Waterproofing Industry Chain Innovation Technology Award."



The new release film for self-adhesive membranes by Upass boasts high strength, high temperature resistance, moderate elongation, low shrinkage, excellent dimensional stability, softness, and good adhesion to asphalt.

Through material modification, the new release film for self-adhesive membranes by Upass significantly improves the film's anti-aging performance and the curing effect of silicone oil. This ensures a smooth appearance of the produced membranes and addresses the issue of the anti-stick film turning yellow after being exposed or stored for a period of time. More importantly, it markedly improves the problem of reduced asphalt adhesion after storage or exposure.


Upass consistently upholds its core values of "environmental protection, innovation, service, and quality." The company continually enhances product added value and core competitiveness, persists in technological advancements, and strives for high-quality development, making every effort to be a strong support in the waterproofing industry.


08:00-17:00(Closed On Statutory Holidays)

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